Sunday, September 6, 2009

My status

learning how to cut without a scissors, paste without gum, copy without carbon/xerox


Vikas Gupta said...

Funny! I guess you are commenting on your life as a govt. servant [IAS officer]!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Am longing for one such moment...

Hope you're having a great go with it..!

pk said...


Of course its about being innovative and creative in one's work

Vikas Gupta said...


Thanks a lot for the reply. Just when I had almost begun learning to live without a comment reply LOL!

They say IAS and IPS officers see their kids growing only horizontally! I am sure you hardly have any spare time in your hands!

Unknown said...

Please suggest me the way for preparing GS-Pre.Please help me out.

Unknown said...

Please suggest me the way for preparing GS-Pre.Please help me out.

Unknown said...

Please suggest me the way for preparing GS-Pre.Please help me out.

pk said...

hi Shreya.. refer to some of the posts earlier. But for Pre, its a different ball game altogether.

read and try to remember as much as possible, no need to analyse ..

rajesh said...

do you have scan of an ncert old syllbus 2002 edition scan books