Friday, May 8, 2009

My tryst with destiny

Its a bit long story full of twists and some masala just like any Indian movie. Overall it took roughly 4 years and 3 takes to release the film " civils aa majaakaa"

tatttadoooooooooy !!

Take 1:

The cinema started in 2005. The hero goes to his old friend to find a lil bit about acting. He gets frightened seeing the enormity of the stuff needed to prepare. As time approches for Part1 (Prelims), the hero dreams and thinks that first take ll be the best one and it will be a super hit. Some how he manages well and ensures that Part 1 is a succeess.

Here comes the next part - 2(Mains). Then comes the supporting actor- PM in TCS: Probably the best supporting actor the hero can ever act with. After a long plan , the hero manages to get a 3 week schedule. Things go on well but again fall short of expectation. But it is good enough that the director(UPSC) gave chance to perform the next part.

Somehow, he manages to start Part-3 (Interview). But, you know, what happens: Already full hype is built around it and this ends as an utter flop. The Director ditches the takes like anything.

Take 2 and Take 3

Now the hero has mastered part 1 and 2 ; but as each part 2 is very important , agains the director call for retake (number 3) to ensure the part 2 is Pacca...

Alas ! The film was released on 4th May and its a super duper tuper HIT.

PS: Haaaa, Acting is very tough. And some Directors are very strict.


1 comment:

PRATHAP said...

Cinema HIT Ayyindhi Annaya..